If you have been worried about a broken arm or the leg injured in an accident, then you should understand that it might need a lot more care and attention than just taking tablets. Injuries on skin can be cured and if the injury is deeper, and has left behind scars, then it can be treated by cosmetic surgery too. But if the injury is in the arteries, veins, bones and muscles, then they have to be cured mostly by massage therapies. You must get regular massages on the affected part of the body and that too for few weeks or months at a stretch and without a break. This massage however, should be done only by an expert as the DPT trained physical therapist like Ali Nabizadehwho would be able to offer effective therapeutic treatment to you. There is a big difference between a massage done by an amateur and by a trained therapist.
How a therapist would give the right massage for you?
An experienced and certified therapist like Ali Nabizadeh would be referred to you by your physician who is treating your ailment or injury.
It has been seen that people who have put on immense weight might find it difficult to move around and even do their basic functioning. Even otherwise, people who suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis, and have undergone any replacement surgery, might take time to function smoothly.
Physiotherapy has worked like a magic wand for decades. Physiotherapy aims to restore normal body movements and actions after surviving from accidents and even cure dysfunctions and disabilities. Physiotherapy is one stop solution to fracture, lower backache, stiff neck, whiplash injuries, and many other bone and muscle dysfunctions. Post-operative care is needed in some cases like when you undergo a shoulder reconstruction, fracture, tennis elbow operation, hip replacement, discectomy, and many other orthopedic surgeries. Most of these surgeries require post-operative care and that’s when a physiotherapist comes in. A physiotherapist like Ali Nabizadeh will design a program, which is most suitable for you and your condition.
Methods for each ailment as used by the therapist:
From using ultrasound to Acupuncture, to TENS or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulationare used for curing the patients and relieving them of any long-term pain. Physiotherapists have known to offer relief even to patients who have requirement for post-operative recovery, joint pain, body aches, and many other such scares.
Whiplash injuries are mostly associated with car or bike accident. Stiff neck, back pain, shoulder pain are some of the initial symptoms resulting from a whiplash injury. Physiotherapy is one of the best solutions to cure a patient completely who has received a whiplash injury. You will start feeling better within a week.
For recovering from some disability or dysfunction, therapists normally go for a thorough massage therapy though that would be time consuming and one has to have a lot of patience before they can actually get any better. The recovery would not be spontaneous, but surely with effort from seniors in this field it will be effective.