I’m a bit uncomfortable with something I just came across on the Internet. It’s about a television station in Washington D.C. airing associate actual breast self-exam, with real demonstrations done by real girls.
And some parental watchdog groups don’t like it much.
You know what? I’m uncomfortable. NOT with the very fact that this is often being shown on tv – however instead, with the fact that the television station is being accused by some as trying to boost their ratings, since this two-part series is being airy throughout the autumn sweeps. Some are calling it a “rating stunt.”
Well, carcinoma awareness month happens to fall within the Fall. That’s one thing. And another thing? So many girls square measure uncomfortable with, or do not know, however, to examine their own breasts…and I think many would be grateful to see a live demonstration. What’s important, too, is that one of the women doing the demonstration is a woman who discovered her own breast cancer by a self-exam. Along with that square measure interviews with 2 terribly public girls addressing carcinoma, one of them being Elizabeth Edwards.
So, I’m curious: what do you think? Does this offend you…or does one applaud the tv station for serving women?