Losing weight can be hard— but getting fat is sometimes too easy. So, now, I’ll be the contrarian. Instead of telling you how to lose weight, I’ll have some fun and tell you how to get fat. Eat what you want on vacation. Vacation is all regarding quiet, Americaually|and typically|and frequently} that ends up in … Continue reading Easy Ways to Get Fat
Category Archives: Articles
Feelings of Depression Does Not Bode Well for Health
Perhaps it’s the gray, rainy day; the realization that winter has finally struck, and the 60 degree days are merely an anomaly rather than the rule. Or maybe it’s the fact that for the past month, because of hubby’s multiple surgeries and a lot of my own work, I’ve been holed up a bit more … Continue reading Feelings of Depression Does Not Bode Well for Health
Midlife Minute:Easy Ways to Rev Up Your Healthy Habits
Do you have a favorite trick or secret to staying healthy? I think almost everyone has similar ways: exercise; watch your fat, salt, and sugar intake; manage stress; get enough sleep. These are all good, effective habits, but sometimes we need to mix things up a bit, don’t you think? After all, staying healthy is … Continue reading Midlife Minute:Easy Ways to Rev Up Your Healthy Habits
Is Being Healthy Life Choice?
It’s scary what a little knowledge can do. After payment every week away and attending eye-opening lectures just like the Biology of Weight management, Belly Fat and Metabolic Syndrome and Aging: a way to Enhance your Quality of Life, I’m so enthusiastic I want to share what I’ve learned with the world. Fresh from some … Continue reading Is Being Healthy Life Choice?
What is Lower Back Pain ?
Having just returned from Arizona where I was lucky enough to spend a few glorious days at Miraval Spain Tucson, I must admit I’m feeling both fortunate and frustrated. Fortunate that I got to experience a beautiful, restful place and the most divine, mood-altering Thai massage. Frustrated because the massage therapist refused to fly home with … Continue reading What is Lower Back Pain ?
Best Herbs And Spices For Your Brain
Science and research are a godsend, but it can get so darn confusing and frustrating sometimes. Take Alzheimer’s disease; it’s forever in the news. Brain games help, researchers say. Sleep and diet are important, scientists insist. Genes and exercise count, everyone agrees. It’s arduous to stay up with everything; it all changes daily and generally, … Continue reading Best Herbs And Spices For Your Brain
If Lose Weight? Eat Peanuts
Among the benefits of eating peanuts is one that resonates with nearly everybody (and makes everyone happy, if they love— and previously eschewed— peanuts): peanuts can help with weight loss. No, I am not planning to gift yet one more crazy reducing diet, like eat unlimited amounts of peanuts and peanut butter and you’re guaranteed … Continue reading If Lose Weight? Eat Peanuts
Tips to Repel Mosquitoes Naturally
A coworker of mine was recently telling me of her mosquito woes— she can’t seem to leave the house without getting attacked. I can commiserate; after a weekend picnic, I’m itching my feet with one hand and typing with the other. But if you’ve been following this blog, you probably know that I’m a bit … Continue reading Tips to Repel Mosquitoes Naturally
How Does the New Health Care Reform Bill Mean for Me
Change is scary, especially when the parameters around it are unknown and rather confusing. Health care reform is one of those unnerving changes. The bill will extend insurance coverage to 32 million additional Americans by 2019, but it will certainly affect us all. The question is: how? Highlights: The new bill will place more stringent … Continue reading How Does the New Health Care Reform Bill Mean for Me
Are you Protect Your Vision Against Macular Degeneration as You Age
Since last week after I wrote concerning being a part of the Sandwich Generation, I can not appear to induce my very own folks, and their advancing age, out of my mind. And having simply spent four days with my 80-year-old mum created it sink in even a lot of. While she’s lucky to not … Continue reading Are you Protect Your Vision Against Macular Degeneration as You Age