It is ne’er ever pleasant within the follow of medication to measure to envision a health warning you issued become truth. In July 2002, right after the infamous press conference held by the NIH to announce the premature termination of the estrogen-progestogen arm of the Women’s Health Initiative study (WHI) and warn women off taking … Continue reading What is Hormone Therapy?
Category Archives: Articles
Managing Your Body with Exercising
The old saying, “Treat your body right, and it’ll treat you right,” refers to more than just getting adequate sleep (7-9 hours a night for most of us), exercising and managing your stress levels. It conjointly means that fastidiously considering the foods you are feeding to fuel your body. You know that fatigue that knocks … Continue reading Managing Your Body with Exercising
What is important of Exercise and Diet ?
I have emphysema, as well as chronic bronchitisand an asthma component. I smoke-cured for thirty years and quit in 1992, largely as a result of i noticed that i used to be organizing my entire day at work around after I might smoke. I decided that was pretty stupid, so I got the patches and … Continue reading What is important of Exercise and Diet ?
Heart Disease Guide
I recently was enjoying dinner with a disciple whom I hadn’t seen in several months. After catching informed our latest news—our jobs, our youngsters, our husbands—we got around to it common topic: health. It appears that ever since my cluster of friends has ventured into our 40s and 50s, the subject of our health inevitably … Continue reading Heart Disease Guide
Healthy Tips Learn our Dogs
When my beloved 15-year-old Bichon, Chloe, recently died, I naturally grieved. But as time passes, rather than obtaining easier, in some ways that, it’s obtaining harder. Why? It’s not simply her physical presence that I miss; it’s that deep and real emotional attachment and therefore the continuous reminders of the way to live life. If … Continue reading Healthy Tips Learn our Dogs
Breast Cancer Awareness….
Ever since 1992 when the pink ribbon was adopted as the official symbol of Breast CancerAwareness Month, I can’t see the color pink without thinking about my own diagnosis, which started innocently enough in 1988 with a first-ever screening mammogramat the age of 34. As you can probably imagine, I was both unprepared and shocked … Continue reading Breast Cancer Awareness….
Cancer Affects
Ovarian cancer may be a advanced and chop-chop progressive sickness that affects a comparatively tiny share of girls however has poor survival rates. In the u. s., the amount of deaths attributed to sex gland cancer is regarding constant as that of all different gynecological malignancies combined. Unfortunately, the majority (75 percent) of women diagnosed … Continue reading Cancer Affects
Healthy Foods That Can Make You Sick
It wasn’t until I got a frantic phone call this past Sunday that I remembered how absolutely dreadful feeling nauseous looks. “Can you meet me downstairs please?” I heard the muffled sound of traffic in the background. “I’m in my car, two blocks away, and I’m feeling so nauseous.” My friend K. sounded absolutely awful. … Continue reading Healthy Foods That Can Make You Sick
How to Lose Fat ?
So many of us are trying to lose fat. The good news? With the proper diet and exercise it’s possible to get rid of unwanted fat. The bad news? We lose some fat while not even making an attempt … whether we like it or not. Wait-I said bad news. What’s so bad about losing … Continue reading How to Lose Fat ?