Back when I was in high school and college, before there was a name for it, many girls around me resorted to what I then thought of as odd behaviors around food. They’d eat about week’s worth of cookies, candy—just about anything teeming with sugar, calories and super-sweetness—all in one sitting. They’d speak endlessly concerning … Continue reading Eating Side effacts
Category Archives: Articles
How to Pain Free Feet.
This summer has brought out a range of shoe designs. Rainy days (and there are several them!) preclude Maine from sporting sandals (unless i would like soaked feet). And on the recent, humid days, wearing the wrong sandals can cause swollen feet to feel misplaced in even the most comfortable pair. Suddenly it appears like … Continue reading How to Pain Free Feet.
Multivitamins helps
Many of us wrestle with whether or not we should take a daily multivitamin. And recent news reports may have left some of us more undecided than ever. Here’s the scoop on taking multivitamins from an interview with Duffy MacKay, ND, vice president of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition. Q. … Continue reading Multivitamins helps
Benefits of Infant Massage
Most new folks apprehend that bit is a vital thanks to bond with their newborns, however, there is even additional you’ll do. Infant massage goes on the far side simply a generic inventory of consecutive strokes and has well-tried edges. It involves heedfully participating with the baby, recognizing nonverbal communication and creatively adapting bit to … Continue reading Benefits of Infant Massage
Pregnant Woman Should Ask Herself
You’re pregnant! Congratulations! During your 40-week journey, you will come back up with variant queries, some valid and a few silly. To make sure the valid questions get the attention they deserve, I want to make sure you’re aware of these three very important topics. Take note—and happy growing, Mama! Am I eating enough protein? … Continue reading Pregnant Woman Should Ask Herself
What is use of Sunscreen?
I anticipate with anticipation to the hotter weather all year long, even a lot of therefore we have a tendency to|once we|after we} have extreme seasons like we did this past winter. In the summertime I feel freer, happier and more at peace. While several can disagree that eighty degrees physicist could be a comfy … Continue reading What is use of Sunscreen?
Care of Breast Cancer Risk..
Are you in the midst of holiday madness? Chances are you are. As a result, there square measure several things that elapse the edge, as well as maintaining with the newest necessary health headlines—or alternative news. If you’ve missed some of the latest developments, here are a few important stories … just in case you’re … Continue reading Care of Breast Cancer Risk..
Health Benefits of Wine
The next time you raise your glass, keep these key health benefits of wine for women, as reported by The Daily Sip®, in mind (Note: Health benefits of wine apply when consumed in moderation vs. in excess, NOT when pregnant, etc.): Red wine contains a “super” antioxidant called resveratrol that may help to reduce heart-disease,osteoporosis, diabetes, … Continue reading Health Benefits of Wine
Improve Your Health
Maybe it’s the snow outside. Maybe it’s the dipping temperatures. But right about now I am craving a cup of hot, steaming … tea. Yes, I’m a coffee drinker. I like coffee’s taste. I like its texture. And Starbucks is one of my go-to-meeting/working/socializing spots (my personal fave is a soy latte). But winter is … Continue reading Improve Your Health
Aerobic Exercise is healthy for health
If you’re lucky enough have traditional vision, you’ll take healthy eyes with a pinch of salt. But if you started carrying glasses early in life or recently learned you required them, you’ll be additional tuned in to and anxious regarding your eyes and vision. As we age, protecting eyesight becomes more important than ever; that’s … Continue reading Aerobic Exercise is healthy for health