Are you worried that Thanksgiving marks the start of an unhealthy month (or two)? Are you determined to make it different this year? We’ve got some tips. While you may have detected a number of these before, a reminder can only serve to help, don’t you think? Sometimes it takes a while before it actually … Continue reading Short list to help you have a healthy Thanksgiving.
Category Archives: Articles
Infection Control
If it’s itchy down there, it must be a yeast infection, right? Wrong. Before you run to the drugstore for an over-the-counter (OTC) anti-fungal treatment, you might want to re-evaluate your symptoms. An estimated 44 percent of women with a vaginal infection initially treat themselves with an OTC yeast infection medication when they actually have … Continue reading Infection Control
You want Charge of Your Sex Life?
OK, thus here we tend to are: ladies of an exact age World Health Organization, by now, ar wise enough to understand a factor or 2 regarding recognizing life’s challenges and taking watch out of ourselves. I’m pretty assured that I will reckon the very fact that the bulk folks have seasoned, discussed, suffered through, … Continue reading You want Charge of Your Sex Life?
You want to Have a Better Memory?
One true thing: memory erodes as we get older. Even though your hippocampus—that area of the brain responsible for building memory—loses about 5 percent of its nerve cells each decade, and the production ofacetylcholine (a neurotransmitter important for learning and memory) slows with aging, research shows that our brains are still able to form new, … Continue reading You want to Have a Better Memory?
Aches and Pains
Seems that during this supposed midlife i have been fighting surrender on tons of fronts. But lately, I’ve been at the losing end. For instance, I have a bum left knee. I 1st complete one thing was wrong a touch over ten years past, whereas visiting Paris. It was my 1st European trip and that … Continue reading Aches and Pains
Which time Good to Start Exercising?
A friend of mine, WHO idolized to travel however could not once her youngsters were younger, once told Pine Tree State she created herself feel higher by language, “It’s not my decade.” Once her children grew, she went on a tear around the world. Maybe you’ve been busy raising children or concentrating on your career … Continue reading Which time Good to Start Exercising?
Healthy Relationships Talk with Children
Not only do we at HealthyWomen believe in the importance of healthy bodies, we also like to promote healthy relationships—healthy relationships with ourselves, our partners, our friends and our families. And we believe it’s important to teach our children about healthy relationships, both through what we say and what we do. This is an ideal … Continue reading Healthy Relationships Talk with Children
What is Benefits of Papaya?
“What is that mixture you are putting on my face?” I asked my aesthetician D as she slathered on a swish mask throughout my facial. “It’s a papaya and yogurt mask,” said D. “The healing enzymes in papaya facilitate exfoliate the dead skin and also the yoghurt is soothing—a smart antiaging remedy.” According to D, … Continue reading What is Benefits of Papaya?
Women and Libido at Midlife
Reading some comments in response to last week’s post about the attempts to develop a female equivalent to Viagra made me aware that although there are many women who are eagerly awaiting such a drug, there are many others who would not consider a drug to boost their libido. That’s why it’s so important to … Continue reading Women and Libido at Midlife
What is Female Viagra?
If you’re a woman experiencing a diminishing libido, you might be waiting anxiously for what men have enjoyed since 1998: your own version of Viagra. For men, the little blue pill—Viagra (or other brands of erectile dysfunction medicine)—may be a familiar part of their medical arsenal, but for women, their own pink pill is still … Continue reading What is Female Viagra?