Category Archives: Articles

What is Antimicrobial resistance???

One of the foremost pressing international health problems is that the downside of resistance to antimicrobial medicine. Antimicrobial resistance contributes to the uncontrolled increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to higher levels of infectious diseases. Antimicrobial resistance complicates the prevention and treatment of diseases, caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. More … Continue reading What is Antimicrobial resistance???

Information About adhd meds

ADHD is the most common neurological disorder in children and adolescents. This neurological disease is a smaller amount ofttimes diagnosed in adults.  Main ADHD symptoms in children are: *  motor hyperactivity and excessive impulsivity; *  impaired concentration and distractibility; *  difficulties in relationships with others (including peers); *  behavioral disorder and learning difficulties. ADHD symptoms … Continue reading Information About adhd meds

What is Resistant staphylococcus aureus???

Staphylococcus aureus is one in every of the foremost dangerous microorganism microorganisms, that causes serious hospital-acquired and community-associated infections. The uniqueness of Staphylococcus aureus bacterium is the fact that it has developed resistance to all beta-lactam antibiotics for many decades. The pharmacological group of beta-lactam antibiotics includes five major classes of antibacterial drugs, such as: … Continue reading What is Resistant staphylococcus aureus???

What is Natural oils???

Natural oils area unit oils that don’t contain artificial and semi-synthetic compounds. Many different kinds of natural oils with numerous cosmetic properties area unit offered in retail sale. When choosing natural oils, follow the advice and recommendations of cosmetologists. Before to shop for cosmetic product, you can find reviews about natural oils on forums, videos, … Continue reading What is Natural oils???