Category Archives: Articles

Antioxidant Rich Foods for Healthy Aging

Although magazine covers and “miracle” cosmetics packages all proclaim the anti-aging secrets they contain, as long as we tend to come to life every morning, obtaining older is AN unstoppable truth. Perhaps a better and more attainable goal than “anti-aging” is “healthy aging”— giving our bodies and spirits what they need to reduce the risks … Continue reading Antioxidant Rich Foods for Healthy Aging

FDA Orders Food(frozen pizzas and canned cinnamon rolls) Producers to Stop Adding Trans Fats

You know those guilty pleasures you love, like bags of chocolate chip cookies, frozen pizzas, and canned cinnamon rolls? Some of them will get a little healthier soon, thanks to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s move to remove artificial trans fats from processed foods. The FDA ruled that partially hydrogenated oils— the major dietary … Continue reading FDA Orders Food(frozen pizzas and canned cinnamon rolls) Producers to Stop Adding Trans Fats