After your egg is fertilized (and so now known as a zygote), it makes an astounding transformation by dividing several times and turning into a ball of cells about the size of a grain of sand. This cluster is called a blastocyst, and it will now travel from your fallopian tube to your uterus, the place it will call home for the next nine months.
Of course, you won’t notice all of this action going on, and most likely it would be too early to take a pregnancy test, however, you may experience some signs of pregnancy.
You might have detected of one thing referred to as implantation trauma, which occurs anywhere from six days to two weeks after conception. This happens once your very little blastula attaches to the wall of your womb. Some ladies don’t have any trauma, while others only see slight spotting and some may have what seems like a full-on period.
There might also be a small rise in your basal vital sign upon conception. This is because your body is producing more estrogen and progesterone, which help it prepare for the changes it will undergo and may also lead to some unwanted side effects, like nausea. If you’ve been chasing your temperature for conception, you may notice this very early sign of pregnancy.
Speaking of nausea, you may soon begin to experience telltale morning sickness, which, deceivingly, can occur at any time of the day. Feelings of nausea can happen with or without vomiting and may be triggered by certain smells because your olfactory senses are now heightened. Your sensitive sense of smell might also cause cravings or aversions to bound foods.
Many women note changes in their breasts before long when conceiving. They may become tender, swollen, or fuller than usual. Additionally, hormonal changes may make your nipples appear darker. Read additional concerning physical changes that happen throughout maternity.
Other symptoms that the surge in hormones might cause are fatigue, mood swings, lightheadedness, and constipation. If any of these get severe, contact your health care professional to find safe, effective ways to alleviate them