What Would You Do to Fight the Flu?

How way would you attend avoid obtaining colds and therefore the flu? HealthyWomen wanted to know, so we surveyed our readers and nearly 500 of you responded. We’re happy to report that the survey takers appear to be a health-conscious cluster of ladies WHO area unit willing to seem once their health.

Here’s a look at what they said.

Nearly two-thirds of the 494 respondents said they got a flu vaccine this season. This is the single most important thing you can do to avoid getting the influenza virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone age 6 months and older. Even though this year’s vaccinum is reportedly not as effective as some year’s in preventing influenza, it still can minimize the severity and length of the symptoms if you get the flu.

A whopping three-fourths say they wash their hands more frequently in the winter. This helps to avoid getting or spreading germs. While hand washing is always important, it’s more so during flu season.

More than three-fourths continue their exercise routines and take vitamins or supplements. This boosts your immune system and helps ward off winter illnesses.

Nearly three-fourths report eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean protein. Providing your body with correct nutrition helps boost your system, ameliorative your odds for a healthy winter. Only twenty eight % folks confessed to often giving in to our cravings for mack and cheese and alternative comfort foods in winter. That takes willpower.

Thirty-five percent said they’d consider wearing a mask in any crowded place.
Respondents were almost evenly divided on this topic. Masks do facilitate avoid obtaining or spreading germs however forty five % aforementioned ne’er, no way, would they wear a mask. Twenty percent said they’d be willing to wear a mask on an airplane. Maybe the makers of the new fashionable face masks are on to something!

Nearly one-third say they keep their distance and avoid hugs, handshakes and close proximity when possible. It’s true that the influenza will unfold by talking, as well as through direct contact, so keeping your distance is not necessarily a bad idea. However, it’s not always realistic. Thirty-six % say they ne’er worry concerning contact, 15 percent say they avoid times when crowds are the worst and about 18 percent hunker down for the season and won’t go anywhere that’s not absolutely necessary.

Forty-two percent say they regularly wipe door knobs, phones, remote controls and other frequently handled devices to avoid sharing germs. The rest? Nope (though maybe that percentage goes up when we know a family member or coworker is sick).

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